Aakashmoni and mulberry

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Aakashmoni and mulberry

Post by Mark »

Homeopathic Medicine Aakashmoni 200C Control Mulberry Diseases Enriching Sericulture.

Datta SC, Datta R. 2011

Homeopathic medicine Aakashmoni 200C, prepared from the funicles of Acacia
auriculiformis A. Cunn, mixed with water @ 7.2 mg/mL, were applied by foliar spray
once daily for 15 days @ 10 mL/plant on mulberry are highly effective in ameliorating
mulberry diseases like root-knot [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofold & White) Chitwood],
leaf spot [Cercosporam moricola Cooke)], powdery mildew (Phyllactini a corylea
(Pers.) Karst], mosaic disease (mosaic virus) and tukra disease [Maconellicoccus
hirsutus (Green). It also improves the growth of silkworms, shell weight, effective rate
of silkworms rearing, sex ratio percentage and egg laying capacity of mother moth
which commercially increased silk production without disturbing biosphere.