transfer of heat shock between plants

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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transfer of heat shock between plants

Post by Mark »

Water as carrier of information of heat shock and drug effect between two groups of Adhatoda vasica plants.

Mondal S, Sukul S, Sukul NC.

Adhatoda vasica Nees plants were grown in 50 earthen pots, which were divided into
5 batches A, B, C, D, and E. Of these A, B and C, D were arranged into two separate
parallel pairs. One leaf of each plant of an adjacent pair was immersed in sterile tap
water in a beaker. Adjacent beakers in each pair A B or C D were connected by
polythene tubes containing wet cotton threads. One leaf of each plant of A was given
heat shock by immersing a leaf in hot water for 5 min. One leaf of each plant of C
was treated with Cantharis vesicatoria 200c. Batch E served as the unstressed and
untreated control. One hour after heat shock or drug treatment all the leaves were
harvested and their proteins were extracted by chilled protein extraction buffer.
Proteins were separated by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC). Protein
profiles of A, B and C, D showed marked similarity with respect to expression and
repression of some proteins. It is concluded that the effect of heat shock and drug
treatment is transmitted through water in the capillaries of cotton threads connecting
the pairs of plants. It is assumed that heat shock or drug treatment altered locally the
water structure in the leaves which was propagated through global network of water
structure over the protein network in the whole plants, and from there to the
interfacial water in the beakers and cotton threads. A homeopathic potency is
thought to be specifically structured water which influences the water structure in the
treated organism.