Nat mur and salt stress

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Nat mur and salt stress

Post by Mark »

Natrum mur 200c promotes seed germination and increases total protein, chlorophyll, rubisco and sugar in early seedlings of cowpea under salt stress

Mondal S, Sukul NC, Sukul S

: High level of salinity deteriorates seed germination, growth and yield of
crops in cultivated lands all over the world. There is no effective remedy to mitigate
this global problem. Homeopathy offers a remedy like Natrum mur which at ultra high
dilution ameliorates diseases of patients having strong desire for salt consumption.
The purpose of the present study is to see whether potentized Natrum mur could
alleviate salt stress in germinating seeds of cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.

Methods: Water-soaked seeds were kept over moist filter paper in covered
petridishes which were divided into 5 groups: (1) unstressed and untreated control in
sterile distilled water, (2) in 100mM sodium chloride solution, (3) seeds pretreated
with Natrum mur 200c and then kept in sterile distilled water, (4) seeds pretreated
with Natrum mur 200c and then transferred to 100mM NaCl solution and (5) seeds
pretreated with 90% ethanol. Both Natrum mur 200 c and its diluent medium 90%
ethanol were diluted with distilled water 1:100 before use for treatment.

Results: Natrum mur 200c increased the rate of seed germination, seed water
content and growth of seedlings. The drug also enhanced chlorophyll, soluble and
insoluble sugar, rubisco and total protein content as compared to the untreated salt
stressed group. Treatment with Natrum mur 200c increased salt tolerance in the
seedlings as compared to the untreated salt stressed group. All the data were
analyzed by ANOVA and the significance level was not less than 1%.

Conclusion: Natrum mur 200c reversed the effects of salt stress in germinated seeds
thereby providing evidence for Hahnemann’s similia principle in plants. Potentized
Natrum mur could be safely used with profit on plants grown on brackish soil.