Repetition of research models

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Repetition of research models

Post by Mark »

Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10-23: a bibliometric study

PC Endler, K Thieves, C Reich, P Matthiessen, L Bonamin, C Scherr and S Baumgartner

Introduction: Repeatability of experiments is an important criterion of modern research
and a major challenge for homeopathic basic research. There is no recent overview about
basic research studies in high homeopathic potencies that have been subjected to laboratory-
internal, multicenter or independent repetition trials.

Methods: We considered biochemical, immunological, botanical, cell biological and
zoological studies on high potencies, i.e. beyond a dilution of 10-23. Main sources of
information were reviews, personal contact with members of the homeopathic basic
research community, and the MEDLINE and HOMBREX databases. Studies were extracted
from the publications and grouped into models. Studies were further sorted according
to repetition type (laboratory-internal, multicenter, or independent) and results

Results: A total of 107 studies were found. Of these, 30 were initial studies. In the
attempt to reproduce one of these initial studies, 53 follow-up studies yielded comparable
effects (35 laboratory-internal, 8 multicenter, 10 independent repetitions), eight studies
showed a consistent, yet different result from the initial study (2 laboratory-internal, 2
multicenter, 4 independent repetitions), and 16 studies yielded no effects (5 laboratory-internal,
2 multicenter, 9 independent repetitions). When all repetitive studies are considered,
69% reported effects comparable to that of the initial study, 10% different effects,
and 21% no effects. Independently performed repetition studies reported 44% comparable
effects, 17% different effects, and 39% no effects.

Conclusions: We identified 24 experimental models in basic research on high homeopathic
potencies, which were repeatedly investigated. 22 models were reproduced
with comparable results, 6 models with different results, and repetition showed no results
for 15 models. Independent reproductions with either comparable or different results
were found for seven models. We encourage further repetition trials of published
studies, in order to learn more about the model systems used and in order to test their
repeatability. Homeopathy (2010) 99, 25–36.

Keywords: review; basic research; homeopathy; potentisation; ultra high dilutions