Five remedies on charge

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Five remedies on charge

Post by Mark »

Five Homeopathic Medicines Effect in the Production of Fresh Weight at Chives (Allium fistolosum).

Sánchez Sánchez Jorge Luis, Niurka Meneses Moreno

Keywords: Chives, Fresh Weight, Homeopathic Medicines, Calcareas.

The study of five homeopathic medicines (Calcarea fluorica 30 CH, Calcarea iodatum 30 CH, 30 CH Calcarea Phosphate, Calcarea carbonica 30 CH and
Compound C3.), In growing chives, checking their influence on production fresh weight in this culture, since there are highly significant differences between ls different treatments, in some cases there were substantial increases over the untreated, while others decreased production of fresh weight. Resulting as better treatment fluorica Calcarea 30 CH.