Any BD-obilia around

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Any BD-obilia around

Post by Mark » ... ral-course

100 years of the Agricultural Course
09/20/2020 | Research

Appeal: does anyone still have original documents from the estate of participants of Rudolf Steiner's Agricultural Course in Kobierzyce in June 1924?

We ask all those who have even a suspicion that there might still be something to be found in private or institutional estates or archives to get in touch with us. On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Agricultural Course our aim is to sift through as much source material as possible in order to be able to complete our picture of the great event and make this available to the public.

The Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum and the Rudolf Steiner Archive have formed a working group that has taken on this task. The members of the working group are: David Marc Hoffmann, Ueli Hurter, Rudolf Isler, Albrecht Römer, Martin von Mackensen and Hans-Christian Zehnter.

Please get in touch with any of these people or contact the address below. Do help us to make available as much source material as possible for documentation and research.

Many thanks!

Section for Agriculture

Rudolf Steiner Archive