
Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
Teresa Seed
Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Jun 2008, 20:10


Post by Teresa Seed »

Hi all,

I have been using a seed bath (for production) plus the preparatory sprays. No trials, I'm afraid, so my impressions are very subjective. I have no garden to speak of at the moment - used the sprays on the allotment that I have really given up but still have a key for since it's now in hte hands of the local Steiner school, which I have links with.

My garden consists of a tiny front garden, north facing, a concreted over back yard, south-facing with a pyramidal greenhouse in and a concreted over long narrow east-facing patch at the side of my end terrace, which since I have given up the allotment I have started to cover with tubs of this and that, an apple tree, one tub of broad beans and 2 of potatoes.

So, subjective impressions are that things are pretty healthy and pretty (I rate that quite highly as an indicator of quality!), though still attacked by slugs and snails. You did ask. I am really looking forward to hearing of Ben's observations.

By the way, I checked out Glen Atkinson's translation of the Koberwitz course on his website a while ago. He says he found this in some library/bookshop and it's different to the two main translations there have been. I think I read somewhere that it was from notes by Lily Kolisko?? Anyway, from the little I have read of it it does seem more comprehensible than either of the other two.

Best wishes
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Re: Koberwitz

Post by Mark »

Teresa Seed wrote:... still attacked by slugs and snails.
Do you know Enzo has a slug and snail remedy? We have used it a lot in our garden this year. Beki went out on the Tuesday morning - you spray in on a Monday - and although there were slugs around they easily fell off the plants without any apparent damage to the plants. We have had a real bumper of strawberries this year with practically no slug damage. There are a few ant and wood-lice nibbbles but really nothing to speak of. I sprayed again today because some of the second sowing of carrots were getting take by some beasty and I'll let you know how we get on.

A couple of years ago we used Helix Tosta on the big composting site where we were growing courgettes and pumpkins etc. Beki said that if any of the seedlings survived the packs of hungry slugs she'd sign up hook line and sinker. Well we lost two plants out of about 30 so she's on board!
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