New start up

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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New start up

Post by Mark »

As you can imagine with Enzo tracking the changes in the etheric there are times when preparations are withdrawn as no longer appropriate and other times when new preparations are brewed. One such is called 'Gold for Transition' code R 01. I think there will be some more about this in the next Eureka magazine which I think members should have received.

However, there was an email recently from Massimo - who I think is part of the team which keeps on top of the information dissemination - which I can translate a little like this:..

... "obviously not all plant species have the same capacity to respond to
interventions. This is related to environmental conditions (various pollutants), vitality (samples, hybrids, meristems, GMO etc.) and how open one is to these events).

By the year 2008 we are witnessing an acceleration in this process of change and such plants require the help of people to switch completely from relating to the old etheric body to that with the new etheric body of Christ.

For those who have applied our method for 7-8 years this is already taken care of, but those who have been working for only only a few years will see dying and other disturbances in the growth of plants, disturbances that could sum up in words disorientation that the plants will hardly manage their development cycle regularly.

To help plants through this step we studied and made a specific product-based which should now be sprayed on the fields. The product is called GOLD FOR TRANSITION (R 01). Usually just one spray will be enough.

In case of land and plants that has been receiving homeodynamic products for a few years, may precede with the spraying of product GENERAL GROUP SOUL OF PLANTS (O 02) and after a few days with the GOLD FOR TRANSITION (R 01). "

This happens after the harmoniser-purifier - Anti EMF - Gold harmoniser routine.
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Posts: 1861
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

So to follow this up, there is this information for those who are trying to make their land open to the forces of the cosmos.
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