homeodynamic remedies for global cooling as per chill?

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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homeodynamic remedies for global cooling as per chill?

Post by fourfoldmark »


'Not sure how many of you were at Enzo's workshop at Oaklands in November, but I was wondering if any one recalls & / or has further leads into the depths of what some of the measures & background is to what Enzo was talking about with regard to the significant dropping of global temperatures in the future; like "-20C in Italy" (sounds like a good song; but a harsher reality...)? (aside: Fred Kirschenmann from the US is doing a workshop on climate change and how Biodynamics+ can help, at the local organic conference next week; thought it might be good to check into what Enzo or others (?) may be recommending and why..)

All the best, Mark.
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Post by Mark »

Hi Mark

There was a foot of snow and it was -18 at Enzo's place last week. He cannot stop the changes even if it were in his power and aspirations because he and we are only asked to work with land we own or with land over which we have the full permission of the owners. As far as dealing with these conditions is concerned he has been asked to increase the work of his 'Pro heat' preparation to deal with the weather in Siberia. - ie down to -30! If he manages I'll let you know.

The cause of the changes in the Italian climate that he predicts is another story.
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