An Introduction to Trinium / BD / Enzo

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

An Introduction to Trinium / BD / Enzo

Post by Mark »

Enzo and Silvia have made the following series of videos introducing people to their work. It is translated - very well - into English as they go along.

Part 1 - - The What and the How
Part 2 - - Plants harmonies, monoculture
Part 3 - - Diffuse and incarnate life
Part 4 - - Indicators of harmony and disharmony in nature
Part 5 - - Father sky and mother earth
Part 6 - - Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium in life processes
Part 7 - - Plant form & substance
Part 8 - - The connection between life and matter
Part 9 - - The vortex of Life & the 4 cavitation of life
Part 10 - - Form as an indicator of quality & substance
Part 11 - - Water
Part 12 - - Eclipse experiments
Part 13 - - Tillage and green manure
Part 14 - - The agricultural organism
Part 15 - - Rhythm and life
Part 16 - - Trees
Part 17 - - Fruit
Part 18 - - Pruning
Part 19 - - Trinium: simple and powerful
Part 20 - - Focus on Locusts
Site Admin
Posts: 1861
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Re: An Introduction to Trinium / BD / Enzo

Post by Mark »

Sorry - these all seem to be 'removed videos' now. Shame, since they were a great introduction. They seem to have been surpassed by the growing marathon on The Koberwitz course(s) which can be accessed here
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