Enzo in UK again November 2009

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Enzo in UK again November 2009

Post by Mark »

We have arranged for Enzo to come over again. It will be from the 3rd to the 8th of November and the venue is as last year - Oaklands Park in Gloucestershire in the south west of England. Cost is £190 including (veggie) lunches but delegates should find their own accommodation.

More details ....
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

Enzo has changed the subject of the course he is offering this November. Originally it was expected that he would use part of the time to describe the work with preparations to deal with pollution - including GMO. But now he has decided that the issue of the times is clear and the whole course should be devoted to the present activity of the etheric Christ and the response of the opposing powers.

For those who were not with us last year perhaps it is worth a note to explain what this has to do with agriculture. Biodynamic and homeodynamic agriculture look to the forces which enter the earth from the periphery. Those that work most directly with the physical forces are known in Anthroposophical circles as the etheric forces through which the astral and spiritual forces are active. The etheric forces are in the process of fundamental change due to the influence of the etheric Christ. Enzo's research indicates that this process will reach a crucial stage late in 2012 - in only 3 years. The effects of this are beginning to be felt and preparation is essential if we are to negotiate the next few years in our farms and gardens, and indeed in all our fields of endeavour.

Perhaps this change of subject means that different people will be interested than those in the agricultural community I have contacted to date, so I would be very pleased if you were to think of associates who might be interested and let them know.

If anyone who has already booked for this course now wishes to withdraw I am very happy to make a total refund and add my apology.
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

I will take a lot away from this course. The feedback has been most heartening, the food was great, Enzo was on good form, Marios manage to keep up with great style.

I will long remember Enzo's suggestion that we will not have to sit a test paper on Occult Science when we knock at the pearly gates as it is what is in our hearts that counts. In Italian that is reflected in the language where acting in the heart is cuore agire which is the route of courage. And one can do more, and bring it down to the limbs and actually make some of the preparations we discussed. I have stocks of deionised water and organic alcohol and sterile bottles aplenty if those at the course wish to try making something. I need to try and make one for the hard water we have here - the greenhouse soil shows the chalk and perhaps we can get a visible impact to help us be courageous.

Any one want to come and play with that?
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Enzo Conference 2009

Post by jane »

Mark, Thanks for all the organisation and thanks to Anna for the wonderful food. Marios was brilliant and I have been greatly inspired by it all. I have been on holiday in yorks since and have taken time to read the handbook relating to the conference. Very interesting. I wondered if those delegates who want to can use a specific message site to exchange ideas and keep in touch?
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Posts: 1861
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

You are welcome. As part of the wonderful service there is now a 'hidden' forum which you can only see if you are both logged in and given access by me. Try it .... cheers.
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