Home Lake garden journal

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 19:42

Home Lake garden journal

Post by Conrad »

Good day.

I'm posting here to document my forays into the world of homeodynamic gardening.

Our garden is in the interior of BC, Canada, 2100ft altitude, zone 5a, ~300mm annual precipitation.

Our season here runs from May until September, but can go a month or so longer some years.

This will be the third year of cultivation and my first full year here. There is slightly more than 1 acre cultivated and fenced. We have around 10 gallons per minute irrigation capability at the moment.

I've attached a sowing and transplanting schedule I'm aiming to follow this season. I missed the first day so I will have to sow the celeriac the next goat day.

I just made some 100x 500 horn manure, stirred alternating each minute for 1hr @ 72 rpm w/grape juice added. I made it on the last Fishes day during the Fishes hour (1-3pm) then proceeded to mist the seeds I've selected to plant on March 3rd and 7th. I figured out quickly that spraying the seeds direct is not necessarily ideal, and starting misting into the air above the seeds. I open up a pack of seeds and let the mist fall into the pack while shaking the pack. I will mist more or less depending on how many seeds there are in a pack. Some seeds were in small jars and I've found that it's better to have a tall jar with not too many seeds in it so that I can mix the seeds around while catching the mist. The reason I selected the Fishes day is because I was a little late organizing the calendar and gathering materials, and that seemed the best day of the few days I had to choose from. In the future I will plan these things out earlier in the year. I'll add a section for doing seed baths. I guess I would make the 100x 500 on a crab day for crab plants, and treat them at least 1 cycle before with that, and possibly give them a 100x 507 treatment with enough time before sowing. I'm thinking I might stir some podolinksky prepped 500 to treat the medium that I'll be using to start the seeds. I'm starting the seeds inside by a window for now, until it warms up a bit more.
planting days 2015 - Sheet1.pdf
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Re: Home Lake garden journal

Post by Mark »

Hey Conrad

Keep us up to date please ....

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