Search found 7 matches

by Linda
26 Apr 2008, 22:20
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: homeopathic preps for bees
Replies: 17
Views: 41760


I have been following your discussion about bees. If something develops that can save the commercial bees, I am frequently asked if I am working on that problem! It would be nice to have some suggestions for the bee keepers!
by Linda
23 Dec 2007, 05:37
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: Certification and legalities
Replies: 3
Views: 10554

I am curious who is trying to get through the traditional, legal routes so that homeopathic remedies can be applied to agricultural crops.

It took me several months, but with a little luck, I may have found the path through the Oregon Department of Agriculture. We shall see. I have to call the ...
by Linda
23 Dec 2007, 03:27
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: pine bark beetles
Replies: 5
Views: 13428

silicea and pine bark beetles

I am very curious to hear if you had a chance to try the silicea. I am in process right now working the ODF (Oregon Department of Forestry) to locate some forest sites where we might try silicea. I am trying to finish preparing a proposal so that we can try it. Have you had any luck?
by Linda
26 Sep 2007, 01:53
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: Silicea
Replies: 7
Views: 16338

application rates and antidote

A couple of final questions. In the Farm and Garden book, it speaks about application rates on p.40. Taking into consideration the new dilutions that you suggest, what should we assume about these further dilutions?

And some of the remedies recommend an antidote. Silicea does not list one, and ...
by Linda
25 Sep 2007, 20:45
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: Silicea
Replies: 7
Views: 16338

The "Homeopathy for Home and Garden" book says to use 6X as the starting point, and with your additional instructions, the next dilution is odd and not very precise. So I looked up as much as I could about "drop sizes" and took some of my own measurements. The range seems to be 34 to 17 drops per mL ...
by Linda
23 Sep 2007, 21:55
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: Silicea
Replies: 7
Views: 16338

Hazelnut trees

The trees are hazelnuts. Many planted just after the turn of the last century (1910-1920). They have the Eastern Hazelnut Blight. It is bacterial in origin, enters the tree through new growth, and grows down through the cambium. There is no evidence of the diease until lesions begin to form on the ...
by Linda
23 Sep 2007, 20:17
Forum: Preparations: potentised and traditional
Topic: Silicea
Replies: 7
Views: 16338


Hello everyone ... Mark!
I am trying to use the "Homeopathy for Farm and Garden" book recommendations and of course Silicea (silica) sounds too good to be true. I however have two farmers that are willing to try it on their orchards. Do you know what the author means when he says, "Silica ...