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by Mark
12 Dec 2023, 21:55
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: 6 No AAF leaflets from 1930s
Replies: 5
Views: 1659

6 No AAF leaflets from 1930s

LEAFLET No. 1. Leaflet 1 New Life For Agriculture 1.jpg ANTHROPOSOPHICAL AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION. THE OLD MILL HOUSE, BRAY-ON-THAMES, BERKS. LEAFLET No. 1. OCTOBER 1931. NEW LIFE FOR AGRICULTURE. “To watch the corn grow and the blossom set, to draw hard breath over ploughshare and spade, to read, to...
by Mark
11 Dec 2023, 14:10
Forum: Related 'other' papers
Topic: Plant upside down human?
Replies: 0
Views: 1893

Plant upside down human?

The root-brain hypothesis of Charles and Francis Darwin Recent advances in plant molecular biology, cellular biology, electrophysiology and ecology, unmask plants as sensory and communicative organisms, characterized by active, problem-solving behavior. This new view of plants is considered controv...
by Mark
11 Dec 2023, 13:38
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: 100!
Replies: 0
Views: 1891


by Mark
10 Dec 2023, 22:51
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: BD?
Replies: 0
Views: 1894


What is Biodynamics

From Conscious Ground Australia
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 23:20
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Glen on Chaos in the seed
Replies: 0
Views: 1820

Glen on Chaos in the seed

When is seed chaos? GLEN ATKINSON PHD Within biodynamics there is a quirky idea' entitled 'Seed Chaos. This is the period in a plant's growth when the star forces, which carry the 'architectural' species impulse of a plant, joins with the growing plant, to direct the new seed and its subsequent plan...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 22:54
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: a New Relationship Between Earth and Cosmos
Replies: 0
Views: 1850

a New Relationship Between Earth and Cosmos

Biodynamic Preparations - a New Relationship Between Earth and Cosmos Pierre Masson In 2005, along with my son Vincent and other partners, I established a business to support the biodynamic movement. "Biodynamie Services" produces and distributes biodynamic preparations in large quantities...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 22:43
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Ego potential
Replies: 0
Views: 1850

Ego potential

Concerning ego potentiality Benno Otter The idea of 'ego potentiality' was introduced by Rudolf Steiner in the eighth lecture of the Agriculture Course. He said that human excrement is something very different from animal manure. Human excrement is of little use since all that is nutritious in the f...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 22:37
Forum: General
Topic: Towards an understanding of the preparation plants
Replies: 0
Views: 1972

Towards an understanding of the preparation plants

Towards an understanding of the preparation plants Workshop with Jürgen Momsen and Jean-Michel Florin We have been working with the herbaceous preparation plants - dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, valerian and stinging nettle - and their task on the farm. On the first day, we began by drawing seedling ...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 22:30
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Yarrow
Replies: 4
Views: 2568


MICHAEL BATE Michael Bate is former head gardener at the Weleda gardens in Ilkeston. He is also a member of BDA Certification Standards Committee. To practise biodynamics, Rudolf Steiner indicated that it is not enough to use only the horn preparations, but the manure must be treated to revitalise t...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 22:05
Forum: General
Topic: Medicine and agriculture
Replies: 0
Views: 1954

Medicine and agriculture

Preparations as a bridge between medicine and agriculture Georg Soldner Brain and horn It has only been during the course of the last 10 years that conventional medicine has become aware of the importance of the intestinal flora through articles in various publications - even though Rudolf Steiner d...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 21:28
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Nettle articles
Replies: 1
Views: 1021

Re: Nettle articles

THE NETTLE (Condensed from an article by E. H. Kleinschmidt in Lebendige Erde translated by Nancy Hummel) Urtica Dioica, the great nettle (this should not be confused with Urtica Urens, the small nettle, which is an annual) which has been known to man for many centuries, was referred to by Dr. Stein...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 21:26
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Nettle articles
Replies: 1
Views: 1021

Nettle articles

THE HELPER (From an article on the stinging nettle by Anita Linder in Bio-Dynamics, the journal of the Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Assn. of the U.S.A.) Despite a theoretic knowledge of the importance of Urtica Dioica many bio-dynamic gardens still fail to put their knowledge to practical use. ...
by Mark
25 Nov 2023, 21:23
Forum: Scrapbook
Topic: Maurice Wood on Group Souls
Replies: 0
Views: 1644

Maurice Wood on Group Souls

ANIMAL AND GROUP-SOUL Maurice Wood (First printed in Star and Furrow, Spring, 1960) In our everyday dealings with animals it is easy to get into the way of thinking that they see us as we see them. But such is not really the case. If Man had remained in the animal state of percep- tion, he could not...