"It is a familiar truism that farmers learn more through practical demonstration than from any amount of literature"Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Is your paper missing? Poor citation? Broken Link? Let me know please .... Also see the 'abstracts' on the Considera forum1: Alfoldi, TH.; Besson, J.-M.; Dubois, D.; Mader, P.; Niggli, U.; Spiess, E. (1996) Quality of products from different farming systems (DOC-trial). Oestergaard, T.V. Abstracts of the 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference, 1996 in Copenhagen.
2: Alfoldi, TH.; Mader, P.; Niggli, U.; Spiess, E.; Dubois, D.; Besson, J.-M. (1996) Quality investigations in the long-term DOC-trial. Proceedings of the fourth meeting in Juva (Finland)
3: Alfoldi, TH.; Niggli, U.; Spiess, E.; Besson, J.-M (1994) Input and output of energy for different crops in bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional production systems in a long-term field trial in Switzerland.
4: Alfoldi, TH.; Spiess, E.; Niggli, U.; Besson, J.-M (1995) Energy input and output for winter wheat in bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional production systems Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture. 1993. Wye College, Kent
5: Besson, J.-M.; Spiess, E.; Niggli, U (1995) N uptake in relation to N application during two crop rotations in the DOC field trial Biol. Agric. and Hort., 11, 69-75
6: Leiber, F. Fuchs, N. Spiess, H. (2006) Biodynamic agriculture today. Sektion fur Landwirtschaft Organic agriculture: a global perspective, 2006,pp. 141-149.
7: Spiess, H. (1990) Chronobiological investigations of crops grown under biodynamic management. I. Experiments with seeding dates to ascertain the effects of lunar rhythms on the growth of winter rye. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 7, 165-178.
8: Spiess, H. (1990) Chronobiological investigations of crops grown under biodynamic management II. On the growth of little radish. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 7, 179-89.
9: Spiess, H. (1993) Haben Lunare Rhythmen Bedeutung fur den Ecologishen Landbau? Stiftung Eco of 319 pp., the data.
10: Spiess, H. (1994) Chronobiologische untersuchungen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung lunarer Rhythmen im biologische-dynamischen Pflanzenbau, Darmstadt; 2 vols, I 'Band 3' of 258 pp. , and II 'Band 4 - beschreibung der einzelergebnisse' of 319 pp., the data.
11: Spiess, H. (2000) Lunar Rhythms and Plants Biodynamics May/June 2000
12: Spiess, H. (1999) Zur praktischen Anwendungkosmischer Rhythmen im biologischdynamischen Pflanzenbau. Untersuchungen zur Unkrautregul ierung mit der Veraschungsmethodenach Rudolf Steiner
13: Spiess, H., (1994) Biologische Rhythmen im Landhau. 3 vols. Darmstadt 1994.