"It is a familiar truism that farmers learn more through practical demonstration than from any amount of literature"Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Is your paper missing? Poor citation? Broken Link? Let me know please .... Also see the 'abstracts' on the Considera forum
Currently listing all literature, matching: "Konig, K"
Number of results: 6
1: Konig, K (2015) Nutrition from Earth and Cosmos Floris Books ISBN 978-1782501633
2: Konig, K (1982) Earth and Man Bio-dynamic Literature, Rhode Island
3: Konig, K (1927) Ueber die Wirkung extrem verdunnter (homoopathisierter) Metallsalzlosungen auf Entwicklung und Wachstum von Kaulquappen Zeitschrift fur die desamte experimentelle Medizin, 56, 581-593.
4: Konig, K (1943) Food, Nutriton and Digeston.
5: Konig, K. (2004) Social Farming, Healing humanity and the Earth Floris ISBN 978-178250-058-2
6: Konig, K. (2002) The Animals and Their Destiny Camphill ISBN 1-897839-07-3