
"It is a familiar truism that farmers learn more through practical demonstration than from any amount of literature"
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Currently listing all literature, matching: "Betti" Number of results: 38

1: Baumgartner S, Betti L, Binder M, Heusser P, Wolf U (2014) Spatial allocation effects within a potentization basic research model - evidence for field-like effects of homeopathic preparations? Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2014

2: Baumgartner Stephan, Lucietta Betti, Peter Heusser, Tim Jaeger, Claudia Scherr, Vera Majewsky, Ursula Wolf (2012) Use of plant bioassays in homeopathic basic research - a systematic review Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(40):140-141

3: Bellavite P and Betti L (2012) Homeopathy and the science of high dilutions: when to believe the unbelievable Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(40):107-109

4: Betti L, Lazzarato L, Trebbi G, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Borghini F, Nani D (2003) Effects of homeopathic arsenic on tobacco plant resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Theoretical suggestions about system variability, based on a large experimental data set Homeopathy. 2003 Oct;92(4):195-202.

5: Betti L, Nani D, Trebbi G (2012) Effects of homeopathic dilutions on plants and potential use of homeopathy on plant diseases Article - XL Congressia Brasiliero de Fitopatologia

6: Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Brizzi M (2013) Effectiveness of ultra high diluted arsenic is a function of succussion number as evidenced by wheat germination test and droplet evaporation method Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12(44):127-128

7: Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Dinelli G, Bellavite P, Brizzi M (2017) Number of succussion strokes affects effectiveness of ultra-high-diluted arsenic on in vitro wheat germination and polycrystalline structures obtained by droplet evaporation method Homeopathy. 2017 Feb;106(1):47-54

8: Betti L, Trebbi G, Majewsky V, Scherr C, Shah-Rossi D, Jaeger T, Baumgartner S. (2009) Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review. Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;98(4):244-66.

9: Betti L, Trebbi G, Nani D, Majewski V, Scherr C, Jager T, Baumgartner S (2008) Models with plants, microorganisms and viruses for basic research in homeopathy Signals and Images, Springer, Heidelberg; 97:111.

10: Betti L, Trebbi G, Olioso D, Marzotto P, Bellavite P (2013) Basic Research in homeopathy and ultra-dilutions: what progress is being made? Conference Report. Homeopathy (2013) 102, 151-154

11: Betti, L., Brizzi, M., Nani, D. and Peruzzi, M (1994) A pilot statistical study with homoeopathic potencies of Arsenicum album in wheat germination as a simple model British Homoeopathic Journal 83, 195-201.

12: Betti, L., Brizzi, M., Nani, D. and Peruzzi, M (1997) Effect of high dilutions of Arsenicum album on wheat seedlings from seed poisoned with the same substance British Homoeopathic Journal 86, 86-89.

13: Betti, Lucietta - Grazia Trebbi, Michela Zurla, Daniele Nani, Maurizio Peruzzi and Maurizio Brizzi (2010) A review of three simple plant models and corresponding statistical tools for basic research in homeopathy The Scientific World Journal, annual 2010, pp. 2330+

14: Brizzi M , Betti L (2010) Statistical tools for alternative research in plant experiments Article

15: Brizzi M, Betti L, Nani D, Peruzzi M (1998) A Statistical Overview of some recent Studies regarding the Effects of Arsenicum Album High Dilutions on Wheat Germination Conference: Unconventional Medicine at the Beginning of the Third Millenium

16: Brizzi M, Betti L, Nani D, Peruzzi M (1997) An overall analysis of a series of experiments based on high dilutions in an arsenicum album/wheat model Conference Paper Istituto Superiore de Medicina Olistica e di Ecologia

17: Brizzi M, Biondi C, Lazzarato L, Betti L. (2002) Exploratory analysis of the effect of ultramolecular solutions of arsenic trioxide on the vegetative development of in vitro plantlets of wheat Original - Analisi esplorativa dell'effetto di soluzioni ultramolecolari di triossido di Arsenico sullo sviluppo vegetativo in vitro di plantule di grano. Statistica. 2002;62(3):515-522.

18: Brizzi M, Bondi C, Lazzarato L, Betti L (2005) Analisi Esplorativa Dell'effetto di Soluzioni Ultramolecolari di Triossido di Arsenico Sullo Sviluppo Vegetativo In Vitro di Plantule di Grano

19: Brizzi M, Elia V, Trebbi G, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Betti L (1997) The Efficacy of ultramolecular Aqueous Dilutions on a Wheat Germination Model as a Function of Heat and Aging-Time.

20: Brizzi M, Lazzarato L, Nani D, Borghini F, Peruzzi M, Betti L (2005) A biostatistical insight into the As(2)O(3) high dilution effects on the rate and variability of wheat seedling growth. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Oct, 12, 5, 277-83.

21: Brizzi M, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Betti L (2000) Statistical analysis of the effect of high dilutions of arsenic in a large dataset from a wheat germination model Br Homeopath J. 2000 Apr;89(2): 63-7.

22: Dinelli G, Marotti I, Bregola V, Bosi S, Trebbi G, Borghini F, Nani D, Betti L. (2014) Effects of homeopathic treatments on the cellular metabolism of wheat: validation of microarrays data by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR).

23: Dinelli Giovanni, Ilaria Marotti, Grazia Trebbi, Lucietta Betti (2012) From Kolisko to nowadays: progresses and discoveries in agro-homeopathy

24: Jaeger T, Scherr C, Shah D, Majewsky V, Wolf U, Betti L, Baumgartner S (2015) The use of plant-based bioassays in homeopathic basic research Homeopathy 2015

25: Kokornaczyk M.O., Baumgartner S., Betti L. (2014) Droplet evaporation method applied to test the efficacy of Zincum metallicum 30c on stressed and non-stressed wheat seeds Int J High Dilution Res 2014; 13(47):84-85

26: Kokornaczyk M.O., Baumgartner S., Betti L., (2015) Preliminary study on force-like effects between As45x, water, and wheat seeds performed by means of the droplet evaporation method

27: Kokornaczyk M.O., Parpinello G.P., Versari A., Rombola A.D., Betti L., (2014) Qualitative Discrimination between Organic and Biodynamic Sangiovese Red Wines for Authenticity, Analytical Methods, 2014, 6, 7484-7488

28: Kokornaczyk M.O., Primavera F., Luneia R., Baumgartner S., Betti L., (2016) Analysis of soils by means of Pfeiffer's circular chromatography test and comparison to chemical analysis results Biol. Agric. Horitc., 2017, 33, 143-157

29: Kokornaczyk M.O., Trebbia G, Dinelli G, Marotti I, Bregola V, Nani D, Borghini F, Betti L (2014) Droplet evaporation method as a new potential approach for highlighting the effectiveness of ultra high dilutions

30: Kokornaczyk MO, Dinelli G, Trebbi G, Betti L (2013) Crystallization Patterns Reveal the Holistic Quality of Agricultural Products and the Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatments

31: Lahnstein L, Binder M, Thurneysen A, Frei-Erb M, Betti L, Peruzzi M, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. (2009) Isopathic treatment effects of Arsenicum album 45x on wheat seedling growth--further reproduction trials.

32: Marotti Ilaria, Lucietta Betti et al (2014) Transcriptome Profiling of Wheat Seedlings following Treatment with Ultrahigh Diluted Arsenic Trioxide

33: Nani D, Brizzi M, Lazzarato L, Betti L. (2007) The role of variability in evaluating ultra high dilution effects: considerations based on plant model experiments. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Oct;14(5):301-5. Epub 2007 Oct 25.

34: Stock-Schroer B, H Albrecht, L Betti, PC Endler, K Linde, R Ludtke, F Musial, R van Wijk, C Witt and S Baumgartner (2009) Reporting experiments in homeopathic basic research (REHBaR) - A detailed guideline for authors Homeopathy (2009) 98, 287-298

35: Trebbi G, Dinelli G, Marotti I, Bregola V, Benni A, Betti L. (2014) Effects of homeopathic treatments on strawberry plants in field Homeopathy. 2014 Jan;103(1):92-93.

36: Trebbi G, Dinelli G, Marotti I, Bregola V, Brizzi M, Betti L (2012) Phytopathological and nutraceutical evaluation of cauliflower plants treated with high dilutions of arsenic trioxide. Int J High Dilution Res [online]

37: Trebbi G, Fantino MG, Dinelli G , Marotti I , Nani D, Betti L (2008) Highly diluted arsenic affects plant resistance to pathogens and nutraceutical properties Department of Agro-environmental Sciences and Technologies, Bologna University, Italy

38: Trebbi G, Fantino MG, Dinelli G, Marotti I, Burgio G, Nani D, Betti L (2008) Effects of homeopathic and mineral treatments on dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola on cauliflower Proceeding of 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy. 2008:448-451.