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Planting by the Stars


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Site Map



The links are provided for general information and to offer some details for items touched upon on the web site. Considera does not endorse the information on these sites. Neither has it received endorsement from the sites mentioned.


National Biodynamic Sites

The UK Biodynamic Association

Josephine Porter Institute - USA

French Biodynamic Site

Louis Bolk Institute

Allotment Vegetable Growing

Demeter International

Institute for Biodynamic Research (Germany)

Pfeiffer Centre (USA)

Demeter Holland

BD Farming and Gardening Association of New Zealand

USA Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association Inc

Egyptian Biodynamic Association

Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Inc

Indian BD site



The programming for the clever bit of this site has been done by Abhirama, and there is no doubt that without his enthusiasm, patience and skills there would be a much less capable Considera. Abhi's work with Astrology can be found at the site below. He'd like you to visit!


Miscellany - caveat surfor

Prince Charles tries lunar planting

The Potentisation Issue - Sune Nordewall

Hans Bruinsma's research

Hugh Courtney MP3

Chestnuts in Holland

Earth Essences


Cosmic pattern to UK tree growth

Peppering in India

South American agrohomoeopaths

Moon sign gardening survey results

Moon and radon

Keith's Moon Planting Page

How to Calculate Lunar Planting Dates

Planting by the Moon Phases

Biodynamic Wine Forum

Vinography: The Complete List of Certified Biodynamic Producers

Biodynamic Agriculture Australia - Research Papers

Gardening by Moon Signs

Moon Sign Gardening Comments


Scientific Evidence for Homoeopathy - Dana Ullman ...

... and Dana again

Skyscript: Planets and Metals - The Moon and Silver

Planting by the Moon

A trick?

Agrocare homoeopathic project

Jehovah on agrohomeopathy

Cherokee Moons


High Dilutions

Gardening and Planting by the Moon 2007

Online calendar

Basic research idea

500 down under

Aluna Moon sculpture

Stars say nothing


If you are a link here and you change your site or if you would like to be a link here please do get in touch.


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