Genetics and remedies

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Genetics and remedies

Post by Mark »

Management of Genetic Processes and Biological Clock: Research study on effect of homoeopathic drugs on genetic processes of plants
Research study on action of homoeopathic drugs on plants revealed that it stimulates stem cell genes to start, accelerate, retard and stop relevant genetic processes originating from them. With the application of appropriate drug it was possible to alter the length of life cycle of plant. Application of these findings on human body gave very promising results. The said study led to "Transplant-less stem cell therapy" as it cured several diseases by re-development of affected tissues. Few such cases have been described here.

(Harilal Gangar,retired from ICAR Institute; is Consultant in Teleport.He is Graduate in Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering. Has 45 years experience in engineering and research and has designed and installed plants for production of bio-gas, paper etc. from agro-wastes in agro-indusries.)
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Posts: 1927
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Re: Genetics and remedies

Post by Mark »

A follow up to this research and the original paper are attached here.

Thanks to Dr Gangar
Research Article-1.pdf
THe follow-up
(182.33 KiB) Downloaded 552 times
The original article
(584.68 KiB) Downloaded 627 times
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