Moles and voles

For results, experiences and thoughts on preparations - biodynamic or other.
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Moles and voles

Post by Mark »

An Slovenian experience from Kaviraj:

"On my advise, this woman made a remedy of both Allium cepa and sativa, mixed in the tincture and made into a single remedy, against moles and voles. Here are her results:

But almost I have to give the good news:
Shortly before called me Mr. Grabljevec who is president of all 11 clubs biodinamicks in Slovenia (about 2000 members), who did test with our sample. As you maybe remember, he had problems with mole. He had our sample for test.

He sprayed yesterday in his garden and today his mole moved in the part of garden, which he didn't spray to compare the result. In this part of the garden his mole today buid created new molehills. Now he knows how to remove the remainder of this problem. For him it was a big / important problem."
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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 22:57

Re: Moles and voles

Post by allara »

What do you mean by sativa? Avena sativa?
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Posts: 1927
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Re: Moles and voles

Post by Mark »

I think this is Alliun Sativa - "this woman made a remedy of both Allium cepa and sativa... "
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