
Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK


Post by Mark »

The main work on the desk is the commentary on the Agriculture Course. This has 155,000 Italian words! I have decided that I need help with this and so I have got in touch with two people who are helping us.

There is Sofia who is living in India who was an apprentice in Botton and Isabel who is working form the existing Spanish translation. I have to raise some finances for this and at US0.05 per word we are looking at around U$7700 or UK£4000. I think this is worth it. I have done a Google translation which gives us the gobbledegoogle version but even this has sparked off lots of ideas including an article which should be in the next Star and Furrow following this years IBIG meeting on lecture 3 - the sisters of Nitrogen. But the main reason for going professional on this is that the next subject for the Dornach conference in Feb 2009 - is the Koberwitz course. It would be great to have the translation in time for that. Nikolai Fuchs was at Oaklands Park for the IBIG conference in February. I suggested that he could invite Enzo and/or Glen Atkinson since they are both not German and have written commentaries on the Koberwitz course. He said that if he did this the roof would come of the Goetheanum. I think he thought this would be a negative thing. I followed this up with him and it turns out he has never met Enzo and has only got the gossip. I urged him to meet up and do some homework.

Enough of my own gossip - the point is that if any of you can lever out some finance to support this translation work I would be very happy to jump on the lever in any appropriate way.

My father in law (Eric who led the singing at Oaklands) has worked on the Etheric Cycle of the Earth but this needs typing up from his penciled longhand. I know computers are a pain - but they can be really useful too.

If any of you fancy taking on a translation please do get in touch and I can certainly get you the Italian and in some cases the Spanish too.
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Posts: 1861
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

.. also .. if anyone has a load of time on their hands and fancies typing up my father in law's hand-written translation form the Spanish on the holy nights it would be really appreciated.
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